So this past summer my mother and her work hired me to paint a mural on their waiting room wall. My mom works for Family Services and they were disappointed with the plain white walls. When my mom heard they were going to buy one of those paste on the wall mural things she immediately jumped up and offered me as a more cost effective (and better) alternative. Needless to say I was very excited. I completed it in three Saturdays I think. Yeah. Two of them lasted about 3 hours I'd say, and the last only an hour, for touch ups mostly.
So I began by laying out the basic tree shape in charcoal. I've done a few paintings like this before (never for money though, I was really excited about that. xD) and felt like I knew what I was doing. So here are the charcoal lines.
Here is the tree painted in.
Next up were the leaves. They wanted something fall and festive, but also fairly graphic, so I didn't want the leaves on the tree to actually touch. Here is all the leaves put in with charcoal.
And here is the final mural all finished and pretty. I was and still am really pleased with it and was very excited to get to have the chance to do it.